FABO Mobile Brecher 500 THP Mobile Brecher ( Prallbrecher )

Deutschland Deutschland
Brechanlagen FABO Mobile Brecher 500 THP Mobile Brecher ( Prallbrecher )
Brechanlagen FABO Mobile Brecher 500 THP Mobile Brecher ( Prallbrecher )
Brechanlagen FABO Mobile Brecher 500 THP Mobile Brecher ( Prallbrecher )
Brechanlagen FABO Mobile Brecher 500 THP Mobile Brecher ( Prallbrecher )
Brechanlagen FABO Mobile Brecher 500 THP Mobile Brecher ( Prallbrecher )
Brechanlagen FABO Mobile Brecher 500 THP Mobile Brecher ( Prallbrecher )
Brechanlagen FABO Mobile Brecher 500 THP Mobile Brecher ( Prallbrecher )
Brechanlagen FABO Mobile Brecher 500 THP Mobile Brecher ( Prallbrecher )
Brechanlagen FABO Mobile Brecher 500 THP Mobile Brecher ( Prallbrecher )
Brechanlagen FABO Mobile Brecher 500 THP Mobile Brecher ( Prallbrecher )
Brechanlagen FABO Mobile Brecher 500 THP Mobile Brecher ( Prallbrecher )
Brechanlagen FABO Mobile Brecher 500 THP Mobile Brecher ( Prallbrecher )
Brechanlagen FABO Mobile Brecher 500 THP Mobile Brecher ( Prallbrecher )
Brechanlagen FABO Mobile Brecher 500 THP Mobile Brecher ( Prallbrecher )
Brechanlagen FABO Mobile Brecher 500 THP Mobile Brecher ( Prallbrecher )
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FABO Mobile Brecher
500 THP Mobile Brecher ( Prallbrecher )


Germany Deutschland


zuletzt am 27.12.2024


*Alle unsere Produkte sind mit Sorgfalt hergestellt und haben 1 Jahr Garantie!
*Installation und Bedienerschulung GRATIS

Der Fabo Raupenprallbrecher FTI-130 ist ein komplettes mobiles System, das sich auf einem hydraulisch angetriebenen Raupenfahrwerk mit einer Geschwindigkeit von 1 km/h bewegt und eine Kombination aus einem Vibrationsaufgeber, einem Prallbrecher, klappbaren Haldenbändern, einer Steuereinheit und einem Stromgenerator umfasst.
Unter den heutigen Bedingungen und technologischen Prozessen beginnen die Unternehmen darüber nachzudenken, wie sie ihren Tätigkeitsbereich effizienter gestalten können. Bei der Verbesserung der Effizienz berücksichtigen sie stets Faktoren wie die Betriebsfähigkeit der eingesetzten Maschinen, deren geringe Kosten und den Bedarf an Personal. Unsere Raupenbrecher können dank ihres speziell entwickelten Aufbaus und ihrer kompakten Struktur selbst auf den anspruchsvollsten Minenstandorten mit hoher Leistung zerkleinern. Unsere raupenmobilen Systeme können durch Backenbrecher, Primär- und Sekundärprallbrecher oder Kegelbrecher individuell angepasst werden.
Vorteile der raupenmobilen Brecher;
-Schwerlast-Raupen können Orte erreichen, die für normale Maschinen unerreichbar sind.
-Er hat die richtigen Abmessungen und den richtigen Schallpegel, um Bauschutt in der Stadt zu zerkleinern.
-Der Kraftstoffverbrauch des Generators und der Raupenfahrzeuge ist sehr sparsam.
-Die Wartung und Verwaltung des Systems ist dank der Steuerungssoftware der neuesten Technologie sehr einfach.


Modell: FTI-130
Produktionskapazität: 400-500 Tonnen pro Stunde
Maximale Fütterung: 500 mm
Brecher-Typ: Prallbrecher
Größe: 1270x1200 mm
CSS-Einstellung: 0-50 mm
Gesamtleistung: 500 kva
Gewicht: 52000 kg
- Niedrige Investitions- und Betriebskosten
- Keine Vorbereitung des Unterbaus
- Einfachheit bei der Nutzung und Wartung
- Leichte Montage und Demontage

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Fabo Company

Ansprechpartner: Herr Fabo Global

Yazıbaşı Mah.231/1 Sok.No:1 Yazıbaşı / T 231

35875 Izmir, Türkei

Zuletzt online: Letzte Woche

Registriert seit: 2016

97 Inserate online

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Fabo Company is a 100% Turkish-funded company that is proceeding confidently on its way to become a leading company in the production and supply of Crushing and Screening, Concrete Batching Plants and it’s equipment with high engineering technologies.

Since its humble beginning in 2003 in Torbalı / İzmir with 3.000m2 open and 3.000 m2 closed area, Fabo Company exports its equipment more than 30 countries, has achieved worldwide success in recent years and has become one of the industry's most reliable solution partners by gaining momentum in the market. In 2016, FABO increased its capacity and has built 5.000m2 closed 5.000m2 open second factory in İzmir Yazıbaşı Industrial Zone to provide faster and better service to its customers, and nowadays continues its services with a total production capacity of 16.000m2.

FABO, which is open to innovative research with its R&D department, has made it pride to supply high quality with reliable products to meet the needs of its customers and never make compromises its responsibilities and quality while walking with confident steps towards becoming a world brand.

Much of the success and excellent reputation of Fabo Company has been shaped by our uncompromising commitment to high quality, top of the line production, reliability, and personal attention to the needs of our customers. Our professional team provides a 24/7 service assurance with the goal of making every interaction a beacon of exceptional customer satisfaction.

FABO Company, with the structure of global developments and changes, which sets standards in its sector for productivity, quality, partnership and peace and prosperity of its employees, working resolutely to be among Turkey's most reliable companies targets and safety consciousness.

At FABO, we are convinced that our team of committed professionals, our outstanding customer service, and our strong believe in innovation are the key to success within the...

With our professional team, strong organization and belief in success FABO Company will continue to develop its first principles, pioneering and leadership skills with all its efforts since its inception.



We deliver our customers the products they need safely and quickly, bringing their performance to the top level and making significant contributions to reducing their costs.

We provide fast and value-added solutions to our customers needs with easy-to-reach Customer Service and Technical Helpdesk.

With our high-quality products and value-added services, we are able to bring operational performance to the highest level and make significant contributions to reducing costs.

Each of our products has superior quality and standards. With our wide product range, our customers can choose the products that suit their needs. In the entire supply chain process, each of our products conforms to legal and environmental regulations; We see our customers as a reliable business partner of Fabo Company.

We know our clients' sectors, business, and regional characteristics, industry professionals understand them and speak the same language. We are able to establish long-term business partnerships with our customers thanks to the rapid decision-making mechanism. It is always a priority for us to receive the promise we give to our customers and share our professional outlook with them at every stage of our business alliance.
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Türkei Türkei
1.961 km
FABO Mobile crushing-screening plant FTC300S
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Geprüfter Händler
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Brechanlagen FABO Crushing Plant Manufacturer Stone crusher plant 500 T/H
Brechanlagen FABO Crushing Plant Manufacturer Stone crusher plant 500 T/H
Brechanlagen FABO Crushing Plant Manufacturer Stone crusher plant 500 T/H
Brechanlagen FABO Crushing Plant Manufacturer Stone crusher plant 500 T/H
Brechanlagen FABO Crushing Plant Manufacturer Stone crusher plant 500 T/H
Brechanlagen FABO Crushing Plant Manufacturer Stone crusher plant 500 T/H
Brechanlagen FABO Crushing Plant Manufacturer Stone crusher plant 500 T/H
Brechanlagen FABO Crushing Plant Manufacturer Stone crusher plant 500 T/H
Brechanlagen FABO Crushing Plant Manufacturer Stone crusher plant 500 T/H
Brechanlagen FABO Crushing Plant Manufacturer Stone crusher plant 500 T/H
Brechanlagen FABO Crushing Plant Manufacturer Stone crusher plant 500 T/H
Brechanlagen FABO Crushing Plant Manufacturer Stone crusher plant 500 T/H
Brechanlagen FABO Crushing Plant Manufacturer Stone crusher plant 500 T/H
Brechanlagen FABO Crushing Plant Manufacturer Stone crusher plant 500 T/H
Brechanlagen FABO Crushing Plant Manufacturer Stone crusher plant 500 T/H
Brechanlagen FABO Crushing Plant Manufacturer Stone crusher plant 500 T/H
Brechanlagen FABO Crushing Plant Manufacturer Stone crusher plant 500 T/H
Brechanlagen FABO Crushing Plant Manufacturer Stone crusher plant 500 T/H
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Türkei Türkei
1.961 km
FABO Crushing Plant ManufacturerStone crusher plant 500 T/H
Betonstein - Fertigungsanlage Mobile concrete block making machine Mobile concrete block making machine
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Deutschland Bautzen
280 km
Betonstein - Fertigungsanlage
Mobile concrete block making machineMobile concrete block making machine
Geprüfter Händler
Zerkleinerungseinheit FABO  mobile jaw crushing plant 100-180 tph
Zerkleinerungseinheit FABO  mobile jaw crushing plant 100-180 tph
Zerkleinerungseinheit FABO  mobile jaw crushing plant 100-180 tph
Zerkleinerungseinheit FABO  mobile jaw crushing plant 100-180 tph
Zerkleinerungseinheit FABO  mobile jaw crushing plant 100-180 tph
Zerkleinerungseinheit FABO  mobile jaw crushing plant 100-180 tph
Zerkleinerungseinheit FABO  mobile jaw crushing plant 100-180 tph
Zerkleinerungseinheit FABO  mobile jaw crushing plant 100-180 tph
Zerkleinerungseinheit FABO  mobile jaw crushing plant 100-180 tph
Zerkleinerungseinheit FABO  mobile jaw crushing plant 100-180 tph
Zerkleinerungseinheit FABO  mobile jaw crushing plant 100-180 tph
Zerkleinerungseinheit FABO  mobile jaw crushing plant 100-180 tph
Zerkleinerungseinheit FABO  mobile jaw crushing plant 100-180 tph
Zerkleinerungseinheit FABO  mobile jaw crushing plant 100-180 tph
Zerkleinerungseinheit FABO  mobile jaw crushing plant 100-180 tph
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Türkei Türkei
1.961 km
FABO mobile jaw crushing plant 100-180 tph
Mobile Asphaltmischanlage Mobile asphalt mix plant Mobile asphalt mix plant
Mobile Asphaltmischanlage Mobile asphalt mix plant Mobile asphalt mix plant
Mobile Asphaltmischanlage Mobile asphalt mix plant Mobile asphalt mix plant
Mobile Asphaltmischanlage Mobile asphalt mix plant Mobile asphalt mix plant
Mobile Asphaltmischanlage Mobile asphalt mix plant Mobile asphalt mix plant
Mobile Asphaltmischanlage Mobile asphalt mix plant Mobile asphalt mix plant
Mobile Asphaltmischanlage Mobile asphalt mix plant Mobile asphalt mix plant
Mobile Asphaltmischanlage Mobile asphalt mix plant Mobile asphalt mix plant
Mobile Asphaltmischanlage Mobile asphalt mix plant Mobile asphalt mix plant
Mobile Asphaltmischanlage Mobile asphalt mix plant Mobile asphalt mix plant
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Frankreich France
817 km
Mobile Asphaltmischanlage
Mobile asphalt mix plantMobile asphalt mix plant
Geprüfter Händler
Mobile Asphaltmischanlage Centrale d'asphalte à tambour mobile Centrale d'asphalte à tambour mobile
Mobile Asphaltmischanlage Centrale d'asphalte à tambour mobile Centrale d'asphalte à tambour mobile
Mobile Asphaltmischanlage Centrale d'asphalte à tambour mobile Centrale d'asphalte à tambour mobile
Mobile Asphaltmischanlage Centrale d'asphalte à tambour mobile Centrale d'asphalte à tambour mobile
Mobile Asphaltmischanlage Centrale d'asphalte à tambour mobile Centrale d'asphalte à tambour mobile
Mobile Asphaltmischanlage Centrale d'asphalte à tambour mobile Centrale d'asphalte à tambour mobile
Mobile Asphaltmischanlage Centrale d'asphalte à tambour mobile Centrale d'asphalte à tambour mobile
Mobile Asphaltmischanlage Centrale d'asphalte à tambour mobile Centrale d'asphalte à tambour mobile
Mobile Asphaltmischanlage Centrale d'asphalte à tambour mobile Centrale d'asphalte à tambour mobile
Mobile Asphaltmischanlage Centrale d'asphalte à tambour mobile Centrale d'asphalte à tambour mobile
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Frankreich France
817 km
Mobile Asphaltmischanlage
Centrale d'asphalte à tambour mobileCentrale d'asphalte à tambour mobile
Geprüfter Händler
Betonstein - Fertigungsanlage Mobile concrete block making machine Mobile concrete block making machine
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Türkei Halilbeyli OSB, İzmir Ankara Cd. NO:5, 35743 Kemalpaşa/İzmir, Türkiye
1.948 km
Betonstein - Fertigungsanlage
Mobile concrete block making machineMobile concrete block making machine
Geprüfter Händler
Mobile Betonmischanlage 30m3 mini mobile concrete batching plant 30m3 mini mobile concrete batching plant
Mobile Betonmischanlage 30m3 mini mobile concrete batching plant 30m3 mini mobile concrete batching plant
Mobile Betonmischanlage 30m3 mini mobile concrete batching plant 30m3 mini mobile concrete batching plant
Mobile Betonmischanlage 30m3 mini mobile concrete batching plant 30m3 mini mobile concrete batching plant
Mobile Betonmischanlage 30m3 mini mobile concrete batching plant 30m3 mini mobile concrete batching plant
Mobile Betonmischanlage 30m3 mini mobile concrete batching plant 30m3 mini mobile concrete batching plant
Mobile Betonmischanlage 30m3 mini mobile concrete batching plant 30m3 mini mobile concrete batching plant
Mobile Betonmischanlage 30m3 mini mobile concrete batching plant 30m3 mini mobile concrete batching plant
Mobile Betonmischanlage 30m3 mini mobile concrete batching plant 30m3 mini mobile concrete batching plant
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Slowenien Podgrajska cesta 4, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia
645 km
Mobile Betonmischanlage
30m3 mini mobile concrete batching plant30m3 mini mobile concrete batching plant
Geprüfter Händler
Mobile Betonmischanlage 30m3 mini mobile concrete batching plant 30m3 mini mobile concrete batching plant
Mobile Betonmischanlage 30m3 mini mobile concrete batching plant 30m3 mini mobile concrete batching plant
Mobile Betonmischanlage 30m3 mini mobile concrete batching plant 30m3 mini mobile concrete batching plant
Mobile Betonmischanlage 30m3 mini mobile concrete batching plant 30m3 mini mobile concrete batching plant
Mobile Betonmischanlage 30m3 mini mobile concrete batching plant 30m3 mini mobile concrete batching plant
Mobile Betonmischanlage 30m3 mini mobile concrete batching plant 30m3 mini mobile concrete batching plant
Mobile Betonmischanlage 30m3 mini mobile concrete batching plant 30m3 mini mobile concrete batching plant
Mobile Betonmischanlage 30m3 mini mobile concrete batching plant 30m3 mini mobile concrete batching plant
Mobile Betonmischanlage 30m3 mini mobile concrete batching plant 30m3 mini mobile concrete batching plant
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Polen Aleksandrów Kujawski
595 km
Mobile Betonmischanlage
30m3 mini mobile concrete batching plant30m3 mini mobile concrete batching plant
Geprüfter Händler
Mobile Betonmischanlage 120 m3 mobile concrete mixing plant 120 m3 mobile concrete mixing plant
Mobile Betonmischanlage 120 m3 mobile concrete mixing plant 120 m3 mobile concrete mixing plant
Mobile Betonmischanlage 120 m3 mobile concrete mixing plant 120 m3 mobile concrete mixing plant
Mobile Betonmischanlage 120 m3 mobile concrete mixing plant 120 m3 mobile concrete mixing plant
Mobile Betonmischanlage 120 m3 mobile concrete mixing plant 120 m3 mobile concrete mixing plant
Mobile Betonmischanlage 120 m3 mobile concrete mixing plant 120 m3 mobile concrete mixing plant
Mobile Betonmischanlage 120 m3 mobile concrete mixing plant 120 m3 mobile concrete mixing plant
Mobile Betonmischanlage 120 m3 mobile concrete mixing plant 120 m3 mobile concrete mixing plant
Mobile Betonmischanlage 120 m3 mobile concrete mixing plant 120 m3 mobile concrete mixing plant
Mobile Betonmischanlage 120 m3 mobile concrete mixing plant 120 m3 mobile concrete mixing plant
Mobile Betonmischanlage 120 m3 mobile concrete mixing plant 120 m3 mobile concrete mixing plant
Mobile Betonmischanlage 120 m3 mobile concrete mixing plant 120 m3 mobile concrete mixing plant
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Niederlande 's-Hertogenbosch
363 km
Mobile Betonmischanlage
120 m3 mobile concrete mixing plant120 m3 mobile concrete mixing plant
Geprüfter Händler
Mobile Betonmischanlage 30 m3 mobile concrete batching plant 30 m3 mobile concrete batching plant
Mobile Betonmischanlage 30 m3 mobile concrete batching plant 30 m3 mobile concrete batching plant
Mobile Betonmischanlage 30 m3 mobile concrete batching plant 30 m3 mobile concrete batching plant
Mobile Betonmischanlage 30 m3 mobile concrete batching plant 30 m3 mobile concrete batching plant
Mobile Betonmischanlage 30 m3 mobile concrete batching plant 30 m3 mobile concrete batching plant
Mobile Betonmischanlage 30 m3 mobile concrete batching plant 30 m3 mobile concrete batching plant
Mobile Betonmischanlage 30 m3 mobile concrete batching plant 30 m3 mobile concrete batching plant
Mobile Betonmischanlage 30 m3 mobile concrete batching plant 30 m3 mobile concrete batching plant
Mobile Betonmischanlage 30 m3 mobile concrete batching plant 30 m3 mobile concrete batching plant
Mobile Betonmischanlage 30 m3 mobile concrete batching plant 30 m3 mobile concrete batching plant
Mobile Betonmischanlage 30 m3 mobile concrete batching plant 30 m3 mobile concrete batching plant
Mobile Betonmischanlage 30 m3 mobile concrete batching plant 30 m3 mobile concrete batching plant
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Rumänien Hurez
1.222 km
Mobile Betonmischanlage
30 m3 mobile concrete batching plant30 m3 mobile concrete batching plant
Geprüfter Händler
Mobile Betonmischanlage 100 m3/h mobile concrete batching plant 100 m3/h mobile concrete batching plant
Mobile Betonmischanlage 100 m3/h mobile concrete batching plant 100 m3/h mobile concrete batching plant
Mobile Betonmischanlage 100 m3/h mobile concrete batching plant 100 m3/h mobile concrete batching plant
Mobile Betonmischanlage 100 m3/h mobile concrete batching plant 100 m3/h mobile concrete batching plant
Mobile Betonmischanlage 100 m3/h mobile concrete batching plant 100 m3/h mobile concrete batching plant
Mobile Betonmischanlage 100 m3/h mobile concrete batching plant 100 m3/h mobile concrete batching plant
Mobile Betonmischanlage 100 m3/h mobile concrete batching plant 100 m3/h mobile concrete batching plant
Mobile Betonmischanlage 100 m3/h mobile concrete batching plant 100 m3/h mobile concrete batching plant
Mobile Betonmischanlage 100 m3/h mobile concrete batching plant 100 m3/h mobile concrete batching plant
Mobile Betonmischanlage 100 m3/h mobile concrete batching plant 100 m3/h mobile concrete batching plant
Mobile Betonmischanlage 100 m3/h mobile concrete batching plant 100 m3/h mobile concrete batching plant
Mobile Betonmischanlage 100 m3/h mobile concrete batching plant 100 m3/h mobile concrete batching plant
Mobile Betonmischanlage 100 m3/h mobile concrete batching plant 100 m3/h mobile concrete batching plant
Mobile Betonmischanlage 100 m3/h mobile concrete batching plant 100 m3/h mobile concrete batching plant
Mobile Betonmischanlage 100 m3/h mobile concrete batching plant 100 m3/h mobile concrete batching plant
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Rumänien Hurez
1.222 km
Mobile Betonmischanlage
100 m3/h mobile concrete batching plant100 m3/h mobile concrete batching plant
Geprüfter Händler